Saturday, March 08, 2008

When Winter's cold Blur is gone

NOt to be a party pooper or anything that might hint at me being tired of the cold. Tonight we switch are clocks an hour ahead for daylight savings. I see it as one hour closer to Spring. Spring forward, Fall backwards. I am looking forward to warmer days.

Minnesota had one of the colder winters on record. We had early snow and I was thinking we were going to get tons of it. Just the opposite. The snow fall has been naught. Everywhere else has seen a bountiful of beautiful white. I hope for them is does not melt too quickly.

So bring on some snow Mr. Frosty. We need a few more inches; how about a foot of nice fluffy stuff. Give me your dandruff God. I want to play in it one more time before the spring buds fresh new life.