Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Alien bike Invader

This is actually a study for body movements and a continuous line drawing of a bike with two bike panniers. I failed at putting the body together. Looks like a sliced up bike alien. This is how I feel sometimes in the morning. I am totally gung-ho to get on the bike but the legs are not there for me; or vice versa, my heads not in the game.

Two ways around these seperated biker feelings. Doing some leg stretches helps! Stay in each posture for a full 45 seconds; it really makes a difference. As far as getting the bike in your head. Once your on the bike things are so much better. It's a great kick start for the day. Try to think of the days you struggle to stay awake because you left your bike at home. Biking makes the days shorter and your life so much longer.

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